I decided to "quit" this blog and start fresh with something new. I think you'll like this new one better, because I plan on keeping up with it. ;] So if you like me still, and you wish to continue reading my ramblings... then check it out:
For the last time,
Friday, July 15, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
I feel bad, now!
As it turns out, people actually used to read my blog posts! Really was a shock to me! I feel really bad about not posting for... gosh... MONTHS, now. And while I could make this entire post about how sorry I am for going AWOL, I'm not going to. Because those tend to be kind of dull. And I don't want any of you thinking that I'm DULL, do I? No. (Wow, me talking about getting dull is kind of a dull subject, no?)
Hello, there. How are you doing? I'm glad to hear that., I'm doing pretty well myself. What have I been up to since February? Well let's lay it down in a nutshell...
March: Elle's 10th birthday. The rents' 11th anniversary. Mom's 15th birthday (yes... 15th ;] ) BRACES.
April: A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Diary of Anne Frank! Yippee skippy!!
May: Realized that I am completely and totally in love. Or puppy love. They're basically the same thing. Or not. Who do you think is the (un)lucky guy... ?
I love you all!
Monday, February 21, 2011
New Little... Gathering of Photos
I just made this for a young lady on Yahoo! Answers looking for something to wear on semi-cold days. This is something that I wear, and I love it. I hope you do, too!

Monday, January 31, 2011
Some things I LOVE
Since bloggers like to do posts listing things that they love, I've decided that I will do the same. {The other bloggers are doing it, Ma! Why can't I?} So here's five {5} things that I love... LOVE.
#1 Celestial Seasonings Tea-- My favorite? Raspberry Zinger. Mother bought it for me about a week ago, and it's amazing. Plus, completely natural ingredients. It's all fruit!
#2 A nice, low voice for a man... Josh Turner? His voice is amazing.
#3 Ragdoll Cats
Need I say more?
#4 Meltaway Mints
If you've never had one, you've never lived. You've never lived, have you? I knew it.
#5 Camellia Flowers
Aren't they absolutely gorgeous? Photo taken by me yesterday at Cypress Gardens.
Wow! Thank you!
I'm flattered. I was just looking at my blogs stats, and just day alone I have had page views from Brazil, the U.K., Russia, Sweden, and Taiwan. Just today! Wow! Thank you guys! You. are. awesome. Really, truly. Denmark, Slovenia, Canada, Romania, Singapore, Germany, Malta, China... Wow! That's all I can say. So to all of you readers from other countries...
Vielen Dank
Cam o'n ban
Je vous remercie
Vielen Dank
Cam o'n ban
Je vous remercie
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Beautiful New Font
Which is me exactly. Or at least the blog exactly. Which is somewhat me, exactly. So how do you like the new font {can be found on sidebar, post titles, date}?? Isn't it pur-dy? You don't need to answer that... I know it's pur-dy. The font is "Homemade Apple." Whatever that means.
Two Pictures
I took some pictures of the cats {just for the heck of it} and had a little photo shoot with my darling sister, Elle. It didn't go as well as planned because she had an {unwelcomed} guest come along, but it was OK. I guess. Not really. But whatever. So here's a really good picture of Fritzy and one from Elle's photo shoot- one of my personal favorites. The one of Elle is edited.
Mr. Fritzel Snitzel... and Barnie is in the background. :]]
A really good closeup of Elle's face.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Something I Hate
People who are judgmental. There, it's out. I HATE judgmental people. Am I judging judgmental people? Maybe. Am I a hypocrite? It may seem so. But it's something that really bothers me. As Christians, we're told that we should not be judgmental, but I've found that Christians are the people who judge the most. You may be thinking, "Pssh... Alyssa, I don't judge people! I know that it's wrong and it's not my place." Yeah, well that's what everyone says. My friends are some of the most judgmental people I know, and they are self-proclaimed "strong Christians." I see.
What about the kid who sits alone at every student council meeting? Why aren't you going over to talk to him? Well, maybe you'll be afraid that people will judge you. I know that I've felt that way before. Or, what about the pregnant teen who is shunned by all of her peers? You're judging her because she crossed the line. Maybe you don't have the whole story. But you ignore her, just the same. Or, for instance, Justin Beiber. "Ugh, he has such a girly voice. Plus, he's only like, 5 feet tall." I can name at LEAST five of my friends who have said something like that.
Now I don't want to get into politics {it's not my thing}, but the best example I can think of: Barack Obama. He is probably one of the most hated men in America, and much of the hating is done by Republicans. A lot of the Republicans are Christian. Yep, have you ever said something hateful about President Obama? Have you ever talked bad about him? I imagine your parents have said some not-so-nice things about this man. I think that's ridiculous. "Oh, he's ruining the country." "The economy is in the worst shape it's been since the Great Depression, and it's all Obama's fault." It's not like he's TRYING to ruin the country, it's not his fault. He's doing what he honestly thinks is best. Unless you've been in that position, you don't have an opinion.
Now I'm sorry for going on about this, but it's something that truly bothers me. Bothers me a lot. Enough that I would rant on about it in a blog post to my {loyal} readers. You really are all amazing people, but we need to remember to not judge. Don't say bad things about people you do or don't know, because it's not your place. I'm sorry if I have offended any of you, I just had to get this off my chest.
What about the kid who sits alone at every student council meeting? Why aren't you going over to talk to him? Well, maybe you'll be afraid that people will judge you. I know that I've felt that way before. Or, what about the pregnant teen who is shunned by all of her peers? You're judging her because she crossed the line. Maybe you don't have the whole story. But you ignore her, just the same. Or, for instance, Justin Beiber. "Ugh, he has such a girly voice. Plus, he's only like, 5 feet tall." I can name at LEAST five of my friends who have said something like that.
Now I don't want to get into politics {it's not my thing}, but the best example I can think of: Barack Obama. He is probably one of the most hated men in America, and much of the hating is done by Republicans. A lot of the Republicans are Christian. Yep, have you ever said something hateful about President Obama? Have you ever talked bad about him? I imagine your parents have said some not-so-nice things about this man. I think that's ridiculous. "Oh, he's ruining the country." "The economy is in the worst shape it's been since the Great Depression, and it's all Obama's fault." It's not like he's TRYING to ruin the country, it's not his fault. He's doing what he honestly thinks is best. Unless you've been in that position, you don't have an opinion.
Now I'm sorry for going on about this, but it's something that truly bothers me. Bothers me a lot. Enough that I would rant on about it in a blog post to my {loyal} readers. You really are all amazing people, but we need to remember to not judge. Don't say bad things about people you do or don't know, because it's not your place. I'm sorry if I have offended any of you, I just had to get this off my chest.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
I Don't Lie
I told you I would post pictures from Middleton Place, so here they are!!!
This was the swan cleaning itself, it was super cool! I'd never seen a swan do that before.
Elle and Daddy. :]]
Me-- I thought it was cool that the wind was blowing my hair.
The house. The original burned down, I think this might have just been the library that they moved into. But I'm not positive.
Don't wake the bull!
The {super-good} picture of the goose, again.
Elle petting the horse. He was very nice!
Two goats that wouldn't leave Elle and me alone-- they tried to eat my camera. :[
One of the peacocks on the plantation. I believe there are three males and two females.
This one was hiding, I thought it made a cool picture.
Isn't this pretty? It's one of the ponds. Love the sparkles!
Their famous statue-- someone put the flower there, it's not part of the statue. ;]]
My favorite flower: Camellia! They have a new camellia pathway {or something like that}. There were only a few flowers blooming, but that's alright.
The swan close up... if you click on the picture you can see water droplets on the swan's head.
The swan cleaning itself some more. Must have felt dirty. :]
Monday, January 24, 2011
Pillow Talk: What Does Your Pillow Arrangement Style Say About You?
I saw this article on Yahoo! and thought it was pretty interesting... I think that it applies for me! What about you? Leave a comment letting me know your pillow arrangement!
By Karen Ziga, HouseBeautiful.com
Are you classic or casual? Romantic or relaxed? It turns out that how you arrange your pillows can reveal clues to your psyche. Read on to see what your bed could be saying about your behavior.
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Photo: Annie Schlechter |
If Your Pillows Are Asymmetrical
Are your pillows tossed about in any which way? Do you arrange your pillows without a particular order? Your unfussy style says that you are a relaxed, bohemian type who's easygoing and open to new experiences.
Tip: Stick to the same color scheme when selecting pillows, but try using different prints and patterns to mix up the look.
If Your Pillows Are Balanced, but Have a Single Accent
Do you prop pillows the classical way, but throw the symmetry off with one extra bolster? Do you prefer when something doesn't look too perfect? If so, your style is traditional with a twist. You're never too prim and proper — but you aren't given to the latest trends either.
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Photo: Annie Schlechter |
If Your Pillows Are Precisely Stacked
Are your pillows tiered, trim, and level? Does clutter on the nightstands (or anywhere) drive you crazy? This systematic, monastic tower of pillows indicates you have a modernist style. If someone saw your bed, they would probably guess that you're artistic, creative, and intellectual.
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Photo: Annie Schlechter |
If Your Pillows Are Delicate and Decorative
Are your pillows an exuberant array of Euro-square, cases, shams, boudoirs, and neck rolls? Do designs without embellishment feel cold and unwelcoming to you? If you're drawn to a dreamy, whimsical look, then you're a romantic. You prefer frilly and feminine to streamlined and rigid and are a firm believer that more is more.
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Photo: Annie Schlechter |
If Your Pillows Are Perfectly Symmetrical
Do you consider yourself organized? Keeping all your ducks in a row — and your pillows too — means you have a tailored, classic style. This look is best for someone who is detail-orientated, organized, and orderly.
My pillow arrangement is "Delicate and Decorative." Would you say I'm a romantic? I do love frilly, feminine things. Here's a picture of my bed:
Sunday, January 23, 2011
I placed third...
In A Simple Farmgirl's photo contest! Thank you to everyone who voted for me, I really appreciate it! Y'all are awesome, don't be shy... go on and admit it! Because I placed third in this {magnificent} contest, she was so kind as to give me this button which I will proudly place on the side of my blog.
Again, thank you so much voters and Farmgirl! Also, for those of you who voted for me {or just enjoy reading my blog}, here's a little something to put on the side of your blog {or wherever else you want to put it!}.
Again, thank you so much voters and Farmgirl! Also, for those of you who voted for me {or just enjoy reading my blog}, here's a little something to put on the side of your blog {or wherever else you want to put it!}.
Love always,
Saturday, January 22, 2011
This or That Tag
From Abby at Follow God {Every Day}! Yay! I love tags, that way y'all can get to know me oh, so much better! {And I know that at the top of your priority list}
{I stole this from Abby, it's not mine.}
Makeup (though I don't wear any)-
Blush or bronzer? Blush! Though I don't use it, I have the natural "blush of youth."
Lip gloss or lip stick? Lip gloss. I like the sheen it adds. :]
Eyeliner or mascara? Mascara. It's a much softer look, not so heavy looking.
Foundation or concealer? Foundation. Concealer doesn't "conceal" anything. You can see that it's there.
Neutral or color eye shadow? Depends on the person, color can look stunning.
Loose or pressed eye shadow? I honestly have no clue! Haha
Brushes or sponges? Brushes
OPI or China Glaze? I use OPI, that's the best stuff. :]]
Long or short? I have short, but I like kind of in-between, too.
Acrylic or natural? Natural! Acrylic is kinda nasty, no?
Brights or darks? I only paint my toenails, and I do both! I like variety. :]
Perfume or body splash? Body splash. Perfume is too... perfume-y.
Lotion or body butter? Body butter.
Body wash or soap? Soap.
Lush or other bath company? Once again, no clue! Haha
Jeans or sweat pants? Jeans. Definitely. I love 'em!
Long sleeve or short? I like sweaters and I like tank tops, I don't know! Both!
Dresses or skirts? Both! I wish I had more dresses though...
Stripes or plaid? Neither. Plaid is tacky {unless you're a Scot} and stripes {generally} make you look wider.
Flip-flops or sandals? Flip-flops! I wear them {almost} all the time!
Scarves or hats? I like both, but I don't wear either.
Studs or dangle earrings? Sadly, I can't wear either. But I would wear dangly!
Necklaces or bracelets? I love both! I wear both!
Heels or flats? I'd like to wear heels, but I typically just wear flats. Darn you, size 11 feet. Darn you!
Cowboy boots or riding boots? Cowboy...?
Jacket or hoodie? Jacket.
Curly or straight? Curly! It's a more classy, elegant look. More feminine.
Bun or ponytail? Ponytail. Buns annoy me.
Bobby pins or butterfly clips? Butterfly clips! I can't figure bobby pins out...
Hair spray or hair gel? Spray... though I don't really like either.
Long hair or short? Long!
Light or dark? I like both. It depends on the person, light hair would wash some people out and dark hair would do the same to other people. Depends on your coloring.
Side swept bangs or full bangs? Side swept. Not so "in your face." Haha, I am so not funny. :P
Up or down? I love both. Up is more convenient, down looks less casual. But if a woman has beautiful bone structure then having her hair up looks stunning, in my opinion.
Rain or shine? Both! Shine by day, storms by night would be ideal. :]]
Summer or winter? In winter I say summer, in summer I say winter.
Autumn or spring? Both. Love the cool weather and red leaves of autumn, I love the beautiful green of plants and color of flowers in spring.
Chocolate or vanilla? Yes.
I tag everybody! Comment with the link if you post this, too!
I'm So Sorry!
I know, I know... You're probably thinking, "Jeez, Alyssa. What are you thinking? You haven't been on Blogger for DAYS!" Well, I'm not going to argue. It's true, I am a truly awful person. {wipes away tear} I have been really busy the past few days, but I'm not going to give you all of the details. Heck, yes I will! That's what a blog is for, right?
Monday- Elle didn't have school, but she {I think...} was at Grandma and Grandpa's hanging out. I had public speaking and had to give my self-introduction speech. Honestly, it went a whole lot better than I had expected. I didn't pass out or anything, so that was good. :]]
Tuesday- Went to the orthodontist. I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but I'm getting braces. February 8th. Yep, woo-hoo. {sarcastically} I am THRILLED. Anyhow, so they took some pictures and put eight spacers between all of my molars. They hurt so badly! Ugh, whenever I make the mistake of chewing or sneezing I moan and groan. Do you have any idea how hard it is to eat with your front teeth and ONLY your front teeth? It's really hard. Really. Try it, I dare ya.
Thursday- SHEEP classes. I wasn't really that busy on Thursday, but I couldn't find time to get on the computer. {sigh}
Friday- Woohoo! I went for and 12-14 mile bike ride and now my derriere hurts like {pardon my French} CRAP! Ugh... I'm am so bruised it's not even funny. So stop laughing. I know you are. After that I went to my drama class and that was sorta fun. I have a kind of small part, so there was a lot of down time. A lot of sitting back for half an hour waiting for your turn to go up. Watching other people gets old after awhile. :[ It's pretty sad, really.
Monday, January 17, 2011
I'm Sick.
Sorta. Kinda. Not really? But a little bit. Enough so that I can barely breathe. Plus, my throat hurts. A lot. Really. But all of that wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't going to public speaking class today. Giving my self-introduction speech. Which I just finished yesterday. *sigh* I'm really just a big mess. Which is probably the reason you read my blog anyways, to see how chaotic my life is. Again, *sigh.*
To lighten the mood, here's a funny video of my cats fighting! Don't turn the sound on unless you want to hear my dorky "huh-huh" laugh every four seconds. The cats aren't making any sounds in the video, just fighting (not bad fighting, just... quarreling?). Here it is!
Funny, no?
To lighten the mood, here's a funny video of my cats fighting! Don't turn the sound on unless you want to hear my dorky "huh-huh" laugh every four seconds. The cats aren't making any sounds in the video, just fighting (not bad fighting, just... quarreling?). Here it is!
Funny, no?
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Charleston Museum
We went to the Charleston Museum today with our "Be a Tourist in Your Own Town" passes. We get to go a lot of tourist attractions for free. It's pretty cool, but being homeschooled you get to go to these places a lot. After the third or fourth time it gets a little old. :P Anyways, it was pretty cool. Elle and I played dress-up and I got a lot of cool pictures. Yes, you do get to see them!!!
Gotta love the peacock brooch... It's Chinese and I think it's gorgeous. Something I would definitely wear! Perhaps on a cute hat...?
The museum's chandelier. Absolutely gorgeous! It's huge, and so beautiful! Love it!
I saw this and thought it was adorable-- Will someone be my Valentine?
I would kill for this handwriting. Not really. {Maybe.} It's so pretty!
I thought that this would make a super-cool picture {and I was right!}. I don't remember what exactly it is, I was in "the zone."
I thought this little platter-thing was really pretty. Very cute! {At the museum the colors were more vibrant, but I couldn't use flash and they have bad lighting. Sorry.}
I think that military uniforms should still be like this. Very snazzy, don't you think?
OK, these things are creepy. I think they're called "mourning locks." You would cut some of the deceased's hair off and put it into one of these things to mourn their death. Why would you want to wear some dead person's hair? I don't know.
This 18-foot long monstrosity is a crocodile from "28 million" years ago. Give or take a few MILLION.
This isn't the greatest picture, but doesn't this have wonderfully beautiful detail? It's incredible how much work someone put into this! I want it in my house. Now.
As I said, we played dress-up. This is Elle looking out the "real" window.
Dad tried on the top hat. It's a good look for him, no?
Here's me playing dress-up. I was really surprised to find that this skirt was long enough! The hoop was cool, I loved it! Plus, my waist looks TINY!!!
Some pretty, old dresses. They were terribly impractical. I'm glad we don't dress like this anymore. We couldn't do anything in one of these dresses!
These women were so ridiculously tiny it isn't even funny. Their waists were like, 25- inches, they were only like 5' 2", shoe size 4, and my shoulders are literally twice the size of theirs. I would not fit in amongst these people!
We would have gone to other places, but we couldn't find any parking spots more than a mile away from the houses and we were all tired. Exhausted. My mom and I have our reasons, I don't know why Dad and Elle were tired though. Elle probably out of boredom. :]
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