Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Something I Hate

     People who are judgmental.  There, it's out.  I HATE judgmental people.  Am I judging judgmental people?  Maybe.  Am I a hypocrite?  It may seem so.  But it's something that really bothers me.  As Christians, we're told that we should not be judgmental, but I've found that Christians are the people who judge the most.  You may be thinking, "Pssh... Alyssa, I don't judge people!  I know that it's wrong and it's not my place."  Yeah, well that's what everyone says.  My friends are some of the most judgmental people I know, and they are self-proclaimed "strong Christians."  I see.
     What about the kid who sits alone at every student council meeting?  Why aren't you going over to talk to him?  Well, maybe you'll be afraid that people will judge you.  I know that I've felt that way before.  Or, what about the pregnant teen who is shunned by all of her peers?  You're judging her because she crossed the line.  Maybe you don't have the whole story.  But you ignore her, just the same.  Or, for instance, Justin Beiber.  "Ugh, he has such a girly voice. Plus, he's only like, 5 feet tall."  I can name at LEAST five of my friends who have said something like that.  
     Now I don't want to get into politics {it's not my thing}, but the best example I can think of:  Barack Obama.  He is probably one of the most hated men in America, and much of the hating is done by Republicans.  A lot of the Republicans are Christian.  Yep, have you ever said something hateful about President Obama?  Have you ever talked bad about him?  I imagine your parents have said some not-so-nice things about this man.  I think that's ridiculous.  "Oh, he's ruining the country."  "The economy is in the worst shape it's been since the Great Depression, and it's all Obama's fault."  It's not like he's TRYING to ruin the country, it's not his fault.  He's doing what he honestly thinks is best.  Unless you've been in that position, you don't have an opinion.
     Now I'm sorry for going on about this, but it's something that truly bothers me.  Bothers me a lot.  Enough that I would rant on about it in a blog post to my {loyal} readers.  You really are all amazing people, but we need to remember to not judge.  Don't say bad things about people you do or don't know, because it's not your place.  I'm sorry if I have offended any of you, I just had to get this off my chest.

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