Saturday, January 15, 2011

My New Blog Design

This is the last time, I promise!  I will not change my blog's look ever again! { A lie?  I think maybe.} I have been experimenting with a lot of different looks the past few days {You noticed?} but all of those I was never completely satisfied with.  But now, oh oh oh!  I love it!  I found the picture of the birds on, as well as the background.  I think they blend nicely and they have a nice, sophisticated {yet playful} look.  Does it suit me?  Yes.  Does it match my personality?  Sometimes.  Is it me?  Yes!  {er... maybe?}  


  1. I like it!
    Sorry,about the slight delay I was cleaning all morngin,so I didn't have time to post photo stuff.
    But I just posted all the photos and a poll on my sidebar,so everyone can vote for the best photo!!
