Saturday, January 15, 2011

Getting My Artist On

     I am a right-brained person.  I am artistic, I am wild, I am free.  I love dancing, singing, acting, all that jazz.  When I was younger, I was an artist.  When I say artist, I mean drew all of the time, I was the art teacher's "pet," I got into a middle school of the arts {not an easy thing to do!}.  But once I was about halfway through sixth grade, I decided that I did NOT like drawing or art anymore.  I had no interest whatsoever.  I didn't want a thing to do with it.  I know it sounds ridiculous, but I hated it.  Mostly because there were some people in my art class that were... {gasp!} better than me.  I hated that.
     I remained this way for several years.  The only time I would touch a pencil was to write something down, you could forget about me trying to draw something.  If you would have asked me to draw you a picture, I would say, "That ain't happenin'."  While my disinterest in visual arts grew, so did my love of dance, music, and drama.  I found a home school drama class that I went to every week {still doing a drama class, but now a high school one}, I sang all of the time, and if you come over to my house odds are I'll be dancing.  I love the arts to death.  I am an artsy person {though I've never had lessons... :[[ }.
     So I still hadn't started drawing again until December of 2010.  I have a "Bird Identification" project for Biology lab that I have to do. I don't have to draw pictures of the birds, but I am making it kind of like a Lewis and Clark expedition journal.  Do you get what I mean by that?  I want it to look sort of scrapbook-y.  Anyhow, so in December I decided to draw my first drawing in years... a Canada Goose.   

Do you like it?  It took me probably three hours to do this, but it seemed only like 30 minutes.  I enjoyed myself so much, I didn't know why I hadn't started drawing again!

     So then a few days ago I decided to start drawing birds for the project again.  I drew a Yellow-Rumped Warbler, and this is how it turned out:
I think they turned out rather nicely, do you agree?  I am also currently working on a Great Egret and Mourning Dove.  They are looking great so far!

     Drawing and taking pictures of all these birds have really given me a new love for our feathery friends.  I think they're pretty, gorgeous, adorable, really cool!  As you can see my my {new} header and signature, I love them now!  I think they have a very classic look as well as being cute and humorous.  You'll probably be seeing a lot more birds on my blog, so be prepared.  I've warned you!  They are my new favorite animal... :]]

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